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invention of hadith

Invention of Hadith started early by the Prophet’s companions, and during the period of the ‘Great Sedition’. This is when the Umayyads (who were holders of power during Mecca’s polytheistic period) at the time of Caliph ‘Othman’ decided they needed to regain their lost power after the spread of Islam in Mecca. The spread of Islam caused the elimination of the cast system, removal of social boundaries between rich and poor, and the elimination of the slave system. They went to “utilize” Abu-Hureira to defend them using Hadith ‘sayings’ that he claimed to have heard coming out of the Prophet Muhamed’s mouth. Abu Hureira was one of those who had met Prophet Muhamed and accompanied him for only 1.5 years, and was known to have spread narrations using the Prophet’s name for social status and gains. Umayyads also utilized another person by the name of ‘Ka’ab Al-Ahbar’ to spread sayings and narrations in the name of the Prophet. Ka’ab was not a companion of the Prophet but was classified as a ‘Tabi’ee’ i.e. a ‘follower’ of the Prophets companions, he was originally a Jewish scholar from Yemen who had become a Muslim during Caliph Omar’s time or some claim Abu- Bakir’s time. He was known to have discussed the well known ‘Israelites’ with the Prophets companions and was well versed in various religious references used by the Jews, he later lived and died in Syria. When Mo’aweya the Umayyad became Caliph, he established a special position within his government called ‘Al-Qass’as’ i.e. ‘The Story Teller’. The only main objective of this position was to enhance the political stature of the Caliph through Hadith and stories. With this position established, and under the leadership of Abu-Hureira, the first age of oral narrations of Hadith was established that accompanied the ‘Great Sedition’, which transformed into a military campaign that resulted in the full establishment of the Umayyad Caliphate. The ‘Great Sedition’ that the Umayyad Caliphate resulted from was the split among the Prophet’s companions of who should become Caliph, all falling to human desire of leadership and power, this resulted in Ali (Prophets cousin and son in-law) and Fatima (Prophets daughter) claiming they had the rightful claim to leadership due to their hereditary ties to the Prophet, while remaining companions also claimed family ties to the Prophet and preferred implementing consensus to elect the Caliph position. The ‘Great Sedition’ later ended by the beheading of Al-Hussein (the Prophets grandson/Ali’s son) and the establishment of Mo’aweya the Umayyad as Caliph. But the most powerful after effect of this fall to human desire for leadership and power was the division of the vast majority of Muslims to two sects, Sunnis who followed the Umayyads and Shia who followed Ali. Those same companions who causelsquo;Great Sedition’ that the Umayyad Caliphate resulted from was the split among the Prophet’s companions of who should become Caliph, all falling to human desire of leadership and power, this resulted in Ali (Prophets cousin and son in- law) and Fatima (Prophets daughter) claiming they had the rightful claim to leadership due to their hereditary ties to the Prophet, while remaining companions also claimed family ties to the Prophet and preferred implementing consensus to elect the Caliph position. The ‘Great Sedition’ later ended by the beheading of Al-Hussein (the Prophets grandson/Ali’s son) and the establishment of Mo’aweya the Umayyad as Caliph. But the most powerful after effect of this fall to human desire for leadership and power was the division of the vast majority of Muslims to two sects, Sunnis who followed the Umayyads and Shia who followed Ali. Those same companions who caused the ‘Great Sedition’ after the deaths of Gods Prophet (Muhamed) are considered infallible and even super-humans by Sunnis and Shia, who have written their own version of history of the ‘Great Sedition’. Those same companions idolized by Sunnis and Shia failed to follow the Prophet Muhamed’s example in implementing the Quran by spreading peace and using force only in self defense, not in aggression. Those same companions, if one, nowadays, mentions their negative human traits and mistakes, is considered an apostate. The second important stage of embedding and engraining Hadith into the Muslim doctrine comes during the Abbasid dynasty that followed the Umayyad dynasty. During this stage, Hadith transitioned from oral narration to written narration. Part of the process was to add ‘Referencing’ of Hadith called ‘Isnad’ in Arabic. Humans that lived and died during the Umyyad era and Rashidi era (Rashidi era is the era that followed the Prophet’s death) were used as references. Referencing was implemented by mentioning the names of those who orally narrated the Hadith going back consecutively throughout several generations up to Prophet Muhamed’s time. Shafi’i, Bukhari, and Muslim were one of the main contributors to Hadith referencing. Shafi’i (lived 150 – 240 Hijri ,i.e. after P. Muhamed migration from Mecca to Medina) has the significance of writing a paper on the establishment of Sunni jurisprudence and left behind an encyclopedia in jurisprudence called ‘Al-Um’, that later became the reference book in the Shafi’i branch of Sunnisim. As for Bukhari (who died 256 years Hijri), who had an undeserved reputation for his book (Sahih Bukhari). This is because his student Muslim, who authored (Sahih Muslim) was much better organized. Also, Muslim’s (Sahih Muslim) had a more methodical introduction that explained various stages of Hadith indoctrination from oral to written to referencing. In his book, Muslim mentions he selected Hadiths from a total pool of 300,000 and ended up with only 1%. i.e., 3033 Hadiths that were considered, the remainder were classified as lies and untrustworthy!!! He also belied the most common and popular Hadiths in his time. Hadiths approved by Muslim formed the basis of the Sunni religion, and some of these Hadiths approved by Muslim were narrated as dreams and divine inspirations seen by their narrators, where they had dream conversations with Prophet Muhamed after his death!!! Although the Quran clearly informs us that divine inspiration from God ended when the Quran was completed and delivered to P. Muhamed (see Quran 5:3) and that devils cannot inspire anything similar to the Quran (26:210-212). The Quran also informs of satanic inspirations given to satans supporters and enemies of Gods Prophets that would continue to the rise of the final hour (Judgment day) (26:221-223) and the masses would listen to these decorative inspirations and commit crimes and atrocities seeking forgiveness and reward (6:112-114). From all of these verses, God warns us from these satanic inspirations that would lead to the establishment of an earth religion. This actually occurred when Muslim names part of his book (The Part where Referencing is of Religion) (Bab ina alisnad min al-deen), where he admits that Hadith referencing was unknown to Muslims during the time of P. Muhamed and to the Prophet himself, but is part and parcel of Gods religion!!!! This implicitly means that P.Muhamed did not fully deliver the message, and that the undelivered part was unknown to him, and therefore Muslim, Bukhari and Shafi’i, were doing all Muslims a favor by discovering and implementing it !!!! Assuming, hypothetically speaking, that P.Muhamed did order the writing of Hadith, does not this contradict with a Hadith narrated by Ahmed, Muslim, Darimi, Tirmithi, and Al-Nisa’I from Abi-Sa’id Alkhidri that Gods messenger (Muhamed) said ‘Do not write anything from me except the Quran, and whoever writes from me anything other than the Quran, he/she shall erase it’. Another, were Darimi who was Bukhari’s teacher narrated from Abi-Sa’id Alkhidri that ‘they tried to gain permission from Gods Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) to document his sayings, he denied them’. Another incident was when Za’id bin Thabit, one of the famous Quranic inscribers who accompanied P.Muhamed entered upon Mo’awiya the Umayyad Caliph. Mo’awiya requested Za’id to narrate a Hadith for him from God’s Prophet, and ordered someone to inscribe it, Za’id then responded ‘God’s messenger ordered us not to inscribe any of his sayings’, so Mo’awiya erased what was written. Other Sunni scholars such as Malik (Died 179 Hijri) in his book (Al-Muwat’a) narrated only 1008 Hadiths, all of which were not referenced back to P.Muhamed, but rather to P.Muhamed’s companions and their followers. But as mentioned above, after only 100 years the number of narrated Hadith dramatically exploded to 700,000 that were the result of human imagination. This human imagination or Hadith factories spread from Medina to Persia to Egypt to North Africa to Andalusia (Spain)!!! In the book ‘Sunan Abi- Dawood’ authored by ‘Suleiman bin Al-Ash’ath Al- Sajistani’, who decided to selectively choose 4800 Hadith from a total of 500,000. As for Ahmed bin Hanbal, the founder of the Hanbali Sunni school, who selected from 700,000 and memorized 50,0000. All of these numbers, although one might think they might be exaggerated still indicate the creativity of Hadith factories, to the extent they had reached to thousands and thousands of Hadiths that Sa’yooti (Died 911 Hijri) had to filter and choose from. During Sa’yooti’s time, the market of Hadith and Hadith creation was ripe, in order to respond to the high demand within the Sunni & Shia earth religions, that gradually gave birth to a sub- earth religion called ‘Sufism’ !!! And as Muslims drift away from the Quran, Satan and his supporters keep laughing.


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