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Showing posts from May, 2013

(part 1) short life of omor (ra:)

Hazrat Omar bin Khattab The Second Caliph of Islam .                                                                                                           Early Life T he mission of the Holy Prophet was still in the early stage. Islam was still weak and helpless. The chiefs of Mecca were up against it. One night the Holy Prophet stood in the Kaaba, lost in thoughts. Presently he raised his hands and turned his eyes heavenward. "Lord!" he prayed, "make Islam strong with either of the two men, Amr bin Hisham or Omar bin Khattab." The prayer was instantly granted. Allah chose Omar to serve Islam. Amr bin Hisham was to die as Abu ...

Not sheking hands with the opposite gender

Not shaking hands with the opposite gender - the Hijab of men exemplified by Prophets. It is not uncommon for non- Muslims and even many Muslims to associate the Islamic commandments on Hijab with females, even though Islam has ordained Hijab for both men and women. In fact, many of us would be surprised to note that Allah states in the Holy Qur'an: "Tell the believing men to cast down their looks and guard their private parts; that is purer for them; surely Allah is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof...." (24:30-31) Indeed, before addressing women and telling them to conceal their bodies, Allah first addresses the believing men and tells us to lower our gaze! When discussing the issue of Hijab for men, it is essential to keep in mind the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. A man once came to the Holy Pro...

short life of muhammad (s:)

Muhammad's Birth and Infancy: Muhammad was born in the year 570 in the town of Mecca, a mountain town in the high desert plateau of western Arabia. His name derives from the Arabic verb hamada, meaning "to praise, to glorify." He was the first and only son of Abd Allah bin Al-Muttalib and Amina bint Wahb. Abd Allah died before Muhammad's birth and Muhammad was raised by his mother Amina, who in keeping with Meccan tradition entrusted her son at an early age to a wet nurse named Halima from the nomadic tribe of the Sa'd ibn Bakr. He grew up in the hill country, learning their pure Arabic. Back to top 575 Muhammad Becomes an Orphan When Muhammad was five or six his mother took him to Yathrib, an oasis town a few hundred miles north of Mecca, to stay with relatives and visit his father's grave there. On the return journey, Amina took ill and died. She was buried in the village of Abwa on the Mecca-Medina Road. Halima, his nurse, returned to Mecca with the orphan...

Physical Hijab in the eye of islam.

The Physical Hijab Let's face it – if it wasn't for those skin-tight t-shirts, many brothers would not spend hours working the dumbbells every day. Yet although it may not be obligatory on men to completely conceal our bodies like it is for women, the issue of modesty and humility cannot be neglected. Pride and boastfulness are among the greatest sins in Islam, and attempting to impress others (both males and females) using our physique and attracting attention to ourselves in such a manner certainly falls into this category. Again, the Golden Rule comes into play here: next time you go out in public wearing clothes that reveal your chest and biceps so that girls can check you out, imagine how you would feel if your own sister or wife was checking out other men who were dressed in a similar manner. The answer should be obvious.

Hijab,prophet Yousuf (a:) is the perfect example.

Prophet Yousuf – the Perfect Example : On a final note, it is said that when Zulaikha, the wife of the Aziz of Egpyt, tried to seduce Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him), she covered the face of the idol placed nearby. When Prophet Yusuf inquired, she said she did not wish for it to witness her commit a sin. Prophet's Yusuf's reply to Zulaikha encompasses the true essence of the Hijab for men and can serve as the perfect benchmark for us to judge the appropriateness of our actions at all times. He said: "If you exhibit shyness and modesty before a stone that does not see, it is more befitting for me to exhibit shame and modesty before the One Who sees and Who is aware of everything that is manifest about me and everything that is concealed within me." (Anecdotes for Reflection, vol. 2)

একটি অনীর্বাণ বিপ্লবের ডাক দেয়ার জন্য শিবিরকে ডাকছে বিপ্লবের ইতিহাস।

ইসলামের উপর নির্যাতনের প্রচন্ড রুপ নিয়েছে আজ।চলছে বয়কট , নির্যাতন,নিষ্পেষন, পারসিকিউশন,অবরোধ, লৌমহর্ষক যার বর্ণনা পৃথিবীর আর কোন কিতাবে নেই। জীবন্ত মানবের পায়ে ঠান্ডা মাথায় গুলি করা হচ্ছে।চোখে আঙ্গুন দিয়ে জীবন্ত মানবের চেহারা বিকৃত করা হচ্ছে।রিমান্ডে নিয়ে তাদের গায়ের মাংশ হাড্ডি থেকে পৃথক করা হচ্ছে।এই জাতের কঠিন থেকে কঠিন বিপদ অবতীর্ণ হচ্ছে।রাসূল (সঃ) এর জীবদ্বশায় হয়েছে।তার মানে ইসলামী আন্দোলনের পথে ইহা না হ ওয়ার কোন পথ নেই।জেনে বুঝেই এই পথে আসো। কুসমাস্তীর্ণ কোন পথ,শুধু ইসতেকবাল করার,ফুলের মালা দেয়ার কোন পথ নেই।এই হচ্ছে জীবন বাজি রাখার পথ।এই হল বিপ্লবের খুনে রাঙ্গা পথ।কে এই পথে আসতে পারবে হে দুঃসাহসীরা এগিয়ে আস। ভীরু,কাপুরুষরা দূরে চলে যাও।বিপ্লব কোন দিন বিজয় হলে তোমরা হয়তো আসবে।আজ তোমাদের প্রয়োজন নেই।আজ জীবন্ত আগুনে ঝাপ দিতে হবে। কে আছো জোয়ান, হ ও আগোয়ান হাকিছে ভবিষৎ এই তুফান ভারি দিতে হবে পাড়ি নিতে হবে তড়ি পার। এখানে ভীরু,কাপুরুষের কোন জায়গা নেই।মাওলানা বলেন- এইতো হল ঐ নরশার্দুল বিপ্লবীদের কাজ। যারা বাতাসের গতি বদলে দেবে। যারা নদীর স্রোতকে ঘুরি...

Social Hijab in the eye of islam

Social Hijab: In addition to the physical Hijab, Islam has clear teachings about social Hijab. An alarming number of otherwise religious and pious boys these days think it is perfectly acceptable to have female "friends" and to openly socialize and hang out with them, "as long as we don't do anything Haram" and "as long as she is wearing a scarf"! The Holy Prophet is reported to have said, "One who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment does not remain in a place where even the sound of breathing of non- Mahram women is perceived." (Wasail al-Shia) It is one thing that Islam permits us to meet with non-Mahrams for school-/work-related or otherwise unavoidable reasons – and even then, complete modesty should be observed – but these days it is a common sight to see boys and girls mingling so freely and casually in the pretense of youth groups, student organizations, camps, retreats, conferences, and "meet-and- greet" programs. How...

Hijab of the eye

Hijab of the Eye: Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him) has said, "The evil glance is fornication of the eyes, the kiss is fornication of the lips, and touching a non-Mahram woman is fornication of the hands." (Wasail al-Shia) In today's hypersexualized Western society, many of us would rather just ignore the concept of lowering the gaze and avoiding inappropriate glances at females all together. And there is no harm in "just looking", right? Yet one minor glance can have a spiritually disastrous effect on the human being. Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) once said to his disciples: "Beware of looking at forbidden things, for that is the seed of desire and leads to deviant behavior." (Lantern of the Path) Many of us might believe in "lowering the gaze", but this is an aspect of our Hijab that most of us still need to perfect. In addition to not looking at non-Mahrams, prudence dictates that we should avoid looking at pictures, bi...

invention of hadith

Invention of Hadith started early by the Prophet’s companions, and during the period of the ‘Great Sedition’. This is when the Umayyads (who were holders of power during Mecca’s polytheistic period) at the time of Caliph ‘Othman’ decided they needed to regain their lost power after the spread of Islam in Mecca. The spread of Islam caused the elimination of the cast system, removal of social boundaries between rich and poor, and the elimination of the slave system. They went to “utilize” Abu-Hureira to defend them using Hadith ‘sayings’ that he claimed to have heard coming out of the Prophet Muhamed’s mouth. Abu Hureira was one of those who had met Prophet Muhamed and accompanied him for only 1.5 years, and was known to have spread narrations using the Prophet’s name for social status and gains. Umayyads also utilized another person by the name of ‘Ka’ab Al-Ahbar’ to spread sayings and narrations in the name of the Prophet. Ka’ab was not a companion of the Prophet but was classified as ...

punishment of allah coming soon!!!

যাদের চক্রান্ত নাকাম করার জন্য গজবের বোমা নির্ধারীত হয়ে আছে তার ভয়াব হতা,সময়সূচী ও ধ্বংসের বিস্তৃতি কোন কিছুই কারো জানার সুযোগ নেই।ধ্বংস থেকে আত্মরক্ষার জন্য পূর্বাভাস জেনে বিপদ সংকেত ঘোষনা করা ও আশ্রয় কেন্দ্রে গিয়ে আশ্রয় নেয়ার সুযোগ কোন জাতিকে অতীতে দেয়া হয়নি এবং ভবিষৎতে ও দেয়া হবেনা।সিদ্ধান্ত বাস্তবায়নে আল্লাহকে কোন সময়,সুযোগের অপেক্ষা করা,উপায়-উপকরন সংগ্রহের প্রয়োজন হয়না।মানব ইতিহাসের প্রতিটি যুগে দ্বীনের দায়ীদের বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিষ্ঠিত তাগুতী শক্তিরা নিক্ষেপ করেছে ষড়যন্ত্রের বিষাক্ত তীর,পাঠিয়েছে গ্রেফতারের ভয়াল চিঠি,রিমান্ডের নামে অকথ্য নির্যাতন।এতে দায়ীদের জীবনে পরীক্ষার তীব্রতা বেড়েছে,বেড়েছে যাতনার কাল-রাত;কিন্তু তাদেরকে সমূলে নিশ্চিহ্ন করা যায়নি।কোন যড়যন্ত্রকারী,হত্যার পরিকল্পনাকারী,দাওয়াতের বিরোধিতাকারীকে আল্লাহ শাস্তি ভোগ করা ছাড়া কবরে যেতে দেননি।আল্লাহ তার বান্দাকে গজব দিতে চাননা।অনাচারি আওয়ামীলীগ তার গজবকে আহবান করছে।এই ভয়াব হ ও নির্মম সিদ্ধান্ত রাতের আধারে,ঘুমের ঘোরে,ব্যস্ত অবস্থায় দিনের আলোতে অচানক এসে যাবে আওয়ামী সরকারের উপর।আজ ছাত্র শিবিরকে ঈমান...

history of the compilation of Quran

HISTORY OF THE COMPILATION OF QURAN: I. Scribing during the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Revelation scribes wrote down the Quran, according to the order of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), on pieces of cloth, leather, bones, and stones. Its verses were ordered and arranged according to Allah's inspiration. At the beginning, it was not gathered in one book. Some of the Prophet's companions scribed parts and surahs specially for themselves after they had memorized it from the Prophet. II. Compiling Quran during the era of Abu Bakr al- Siddiq: Zayd Ibn Thabit gathered the Quran in one book. He was charged to do this by Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, according to an advice from Umar Ibn Al- Khattab. Its resource was the parts written by the Revelation scribes; so he gathered all of it in one book, the Holy Quran. III. Compiling Quran during the era of Uthman Ibn Affan : In his reign, the Quran was written from the main copy gathered during the era of A...